Community Impact Grants

Community Impact Grants allow the Community Foundation of Central Missouri (CFCM) to have a greater effect in the mid-Missouri area with a more significant allocation, specifically, with $5,000 awards.
  • The Community Impact Grant category partners CFCM with agencies to address an issue in a significant way.
  • Community Impact Grant awards will center on either of the two following CFCM priority areas: human capacity development, especially for disadvantaged persons, or the arts.
  • Projects proposed might focus on equal opportunity, poverty reduction, education and literacy, affordable housing, workforce training, diversity training, and other similar efforts. Projects proposed for the arts might focus on education in or access to theater, dance, music or visual arts. Projects proposed for senior services might focus on transportation, delivery, health/respite care, home care, etc.
  • In the future, the area of focus may change.
  • Eligible applicant organizations must hold 501(c)(3) status and must have their main office and provide services in central Missouri.
  • Applicant organizations must also have been operational for at least five years.
  • The CFCM Grants Committee will select two organizations to the CFCM Board of Directors to make final approval.
  • So not to leave agencies out of any/all grant opportunities, applications may be submitted for both a Community Support Grant and an Impact Grant. Agencies seeking an Impact Grant and are unsuccessful might have another chance to receive CFCM grant funding. Agencies may not be awarded both a Support and Impact Grant in a single year.

How to submit a Community Impact Grant Proposal

  • Complete the online Proposal of Intent application by midnight July 31. Late submissions will not be accepted. The online application can be found on this page.
  • The application calls for an uploaded cover letter on agency letterhead, signed by the current executive director–or top agency leader if no executive director.