Most of us have separate accounts for money we want to use for specific purposes. We have checking accounts, money market accounts, 401(k) retirement accounts and 529 college savings accounts, so it’s natural that we would have a separate charitable giving account as well.

At the Community Foundation of Central Missouri, you can set up a donor-advised or other fund to help organize and maximize your giving. It’s quick and easy to do, and you can customize the account to meet your needs as an individual, family, or corporate fund.

Additionally, you can choose to name younger generations as future advisors on the account, passing along the gift of giving and creating a legacy for your philanthropy.

Give cash, stock or other assets to the fund. Your donation is tax deductible, and we do not require a minimum balance for the fund.

Invest through our pools or your financial advisor. Your charitable dollars grow tax-free.

Use your fund to support your favorite charities.