There is a great transfer of wealth happening now in America. The transfer is flowing from the current generation that owns the wealth to the next generation that is receiving the wealth. This wealth was created during an unprecedented economic upturn led by generations known as the Builders and early Boomers.

The wave of transfer started a decade ago and will continue for about another 50 years.

 The following materials are from a study of the Transfer of Wealth in Missouri, led by the Center for Civic Research and Innovation, St. Louis, MO. The study was commissioned by the Alliance of Missouri Community Foundations, of which the Community Foundation of Central Missouri is a partner and funder of the project.

The goal of the study is to analyze demographic trends and wealth transfer potential for each of the 114 counties in Missouri. The Community Foundation of Central Missouri has keen interest in the counties referenced in the report as Central Missouri. As you review the materials, note the repeated vision for 5% of all wealth to be donated to charitable organizations, such as the Community Foundation of Central Missouri, to be invested and distributed at a rate of 5% annually.

What you’ll find at the following links

Click here to go to the full report on the Transfer of Wealth in Missouri.

Click here to go to the Transfer of Wealth report focused on Central Missouri, following the sections on methodology and general commentary regarding Missouri as a whole.

This report shows that all counties have wealth to share, some more than others, of course. Also, we hope you’ll sense the power of giving just 5% of the asset total of all estates in Missouri and how it can add up to powerful and transformative opportunities to improve lives.

NOTE: There was one county flaw in the report. Cooper County should be listed with and included in the Central Missouri section of the report. The Community Foundation of Central Missouri proudly serves Cooper County and we apologize to the good people of Cooper for this omission by the team leading the study.